Air Shocks & WRAPPERS

Zenpoint AIR-SHOCKS or "Mcguivers"
are patented and they have been tested at the SABS.

AIR SHOCKS FIT ALL HAMMOCKS - They are R250 per pair.
email me or phone We will courier them anywhere in the country.

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G-FORCE:- If you and partner weigh over 120 KG - better get 2 shocks on each side. It will make a HUGE difference to comfort and life of your hammock. People think its just about dead weight!

Its all about G force - for example a tough rugby player who yanks a 20 KG suitcase off the ground fast enough will very likely pull the handle right off!  as ...pull quick and fast enough and the G-Force can push bag into 100KG! That's why you have to stand still on a scale to get a real reading - feel a bit better when you have been over eating.....If you bounce even a bit you look really bad on the scale.

This Shock is being stretched to the limit. This guy should have 2 !!!

They work brilliantly,- they are extremely tough! Look at the pictures,- they will massively extend the life of any hammock. The pictures are self explanatory,- but to understand how they work is really that they absorb all movement and stop this movement or "g Force" from tearing the fabric and damaging your walls. For those that don't really understand G force - 

G-FORCE - In a nut shell its this....

A good example is when you ask huge black belt kick boxer husband to lift up your suitcase to put in the car!

He yanks it up with such force to throw it in the car that it flys off the handle with pieces of fabric and bits of suitcase all over the place.

The bag flys clean off the handle!

You note that when you pick up the bag it stays on the handle!

That's why you asked him .....please to be gentle and pick up the back and carefully put it in the boot. That's G force. It also causes a fight !

He yanked it off the floor so hard and quick that the handle flew off. In your mind you understand G force instinctively that's why you asked him to pick it up carefully! Gforce is zero to 100 in quarter of a second = broken bag!

Notice in the pictures how the rubber stretches! 

If you are a very heavy person or likely to be 2 heavy people - you may want to put a DOUBLE pair of AIR SHOCKS on each side. 

The more shocks the better the softness of the hammock! Even if you have 2 on the side where your body is and one on the side where your much lighter legs are!

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HAMMOCK AIRSHOCKS absorbing movement and G force!

Notice how the rubber stretches and also pulls inwards,- There is NO BOUNCE! you wont get seasick!

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People use WRAPPERS or TREE-RINGS or a piece of CHAIN for mobile hammocks being clipped to beams, poles or 4x4 Roofracks (then onto a tree ot another 4x4 in the bush). 


Wrappers are very versatile and can be used vertically or horizontally - weight of hammock tightens grip.

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                                              Wrappers              Tying rope onto mcguivers    Perfect shape in a hammocks after clipping up 

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All movements in a hammock generate G force ....that has to go somewhere....on a soft tree branch its generally absorbed. 

If your hammock gos straight into a wall or a pole or a beam that has no "give" ion them -  then ....something along the way is absorbing your movement when you swing, get in or get out ...get over amorous with your partner e.t.c ....SO stitching or ropes in a hammock is normally first to go! Look at the pictures and you will see how the mcguivers work. We get the rubber especially mixed and melted for the kind of shock hammocks will get...It was a long and difficult journey but now they really do work!!


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hammocks manufacture and distribution south africa | hammocks manufacture in cape town
Hammocks delivered by courier all over south africa | Top quality hammocks for sale cape town south africa

Indemnity / Waiver of rights

The purchase of ZENPOINT ™ products including the hammock, all attachments, accessories and suspension system sold together with it shall be at the purchasers sole risk and the purchaser, his or her executors and any person using the ZENPOINT ™ products or any other person, shall have no claim against ZENPOINT MEDIA ARCHITECT CC, its members, employees and assigns, or the ZENPOINT ™ manufacturers, its management, employees and assigns, for any loss, expense, liability, damage, and/or injury to any person or property which may be suffered by the purchaser and/or any person using the ZENPOINT ™ products and/ or as a direct or indirect result of the use of the ZENPOINTä products through the purchaser, arising from the use of the ZENPOINT ™ products, or any other cause whatsoever, howsoever arising, including negligence, whether by commission or omission.  The purchaser indemnifies and holds Zenpoint Media Architect CC, its members, employees and assigns and the manufacturer, its management, employees and assigns harmless against any claim which may be made against them or any of the aforesaid. This product is manufactured and sold in accordance with South African law.

Can take a weight of about 140 KG. Holds 2 average people. Available in various colours. Soft against your skin.
Add massive comfort to any hammock. Significantly lengthen life of hammock. Help protect walls & beams too.
GUARANTEED THE BEST. Most durable, toughest, & long lasting you can find! Can handle ANY environments
You can just leave the tree rings tied up indoors and out!
Zenpoint Hammocks   |   Tel: 083 677 5410   |   Web:  |   Email:
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